Saturday, January 24, 2015


On this page I will be giving Exposure to some Must visit places around the world. This information will be pulled from other blogs and websites, and I will make sure to give appropriate credit to them!
I will research a lot of travel information for these selected areas, and will keep you updated!
Here's what I'll cover in this area of this section of my blog:
Place #1
Glacier National Park
Located in Montana, Glacier National Park is known as the "shining mountains" and "backbone of America" by Indians.
Place #2
Bora, Bora
Located in the French Polynesian, Bora Bora is a popular tourist destination, with your average temperature at 86 degrees Fahrenheit.
Place #3:
Antelope Canyon
Antelope Canyon is a slot canyon in the American Southwest. Antelope Canyon is a popular location for photographers and sightseers, and a source of tourism business for the Navajo Nation.
 Antelope Canyon   
Place #4
Capulino suspension bridge 
The Capilano Suspension Bridge is a simple suspension bridge crossing the Capilano River in the District of North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Located in Vancouver, British Colombia
Located in Vancouver, British Colombia
Place #5
 Again, located in the French Polynesian, Tahiti is the largest island there!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Surfing doesn't really come into mind when you think of Wisconsin.

Why should it? Not only is Wisconsin cold like other states in the mid-west, but there really isn't anywhere to surf in Wisconsin. But there's Lake Michigan. That's right,  you can actually surf on Lake Michigan. It's been done and not that many people know that you can surf on Lake Michigan. You can do it. If your up to face the cold and extreme conditions of it.

There's this town about 90 miles north-east of where I live that's known as the Malibu of the Midwest. This town is called Sheboygan. I've only been up there a few times. I love it up there. Such a cool area!
I took this on my iPhone 5c while at the beach in Sheboygan,Wisconsin

Known as Wisconsin's only surf shop, EOS Surf shop is a great one. Every time I get the chance to go to Sheboygan, stopping there is a MUST. And since I drive through Downtown Milwaukee, I try and stop at the historic 3rd ward. There's a lot of history to be learned there! I suggest that if you're in Milwaukee for whatever reason, try and stop at the 3rd ward and just walk around.  If you would like to know a little bit more about the 3rd ward, give this website a visit:

When I went to Sheboygan, there were some guys on Stand Up Paddleboards (SUP for short.) I spent a little while watching them. It looked cool as all hell! The beach really reminded me of Daytona. Although there are some big differences between the two locations, such as temperature and Lake Michigan, there quite similar. But other than that, the waves seemed just as big as ones in the Atlantic, if not bigger. At least compared to Daytona, during this time of year.

I took this one on my iPhone as well at Sheboygan. I used the app Over to add the text to it!

One thing I've noticed about the Shores at Bradford Beach (in Milwaukee,) and in Sheboygan, is that people like to litter. People seem to be obsessed with it actually. When you think about it, it's actually quite sad. Not only doe's litter cost money in clean up, it's a major threat to wildlife. And there's an estimate of about 7 billion tons of it in the ocean right now. But I could just keep listing facts about this. Instead, I encourage next time you go to the beach, pick up some trash and recycle what you can and throw out the rest. I also suggest you visit to learn more about campaigns, etc.

Until next time.

Monday, January 12, 2015

My Plans for This Blog

Okay. This is my second blog post of what I like to consider a chapter in The Road Trip to Cali. If your not sure about that, read my first post, which can be found here:
Here's my goal for this blog:
I plan on dividing it up into chapters. Each chapter being a milestone, or whatever I feel would be comfortable.As to this would be a pretty big event for anyone that would plan on taking a round trip over 4500 miles, I thought it would be neat to document my adventure from where I am (broke, and have a phone bill to pay as well as a credit card bill of $300 and 2 speeding tickets to pay off) to the end result, traveling to California.
I plan on posting weekly blogs. I'm not too sure on exactly what day.
If you read my previous blog, you would know that I've been working for this one guy. Well, he hasn't been showing up at the set time for the past two days. He's older, had several surgeries, I understand why he wouldn't show. But I need a consistent job in my situation. And that just isn't really cutting it for me. So today, I've applied at two different places. Hopefully I'll get a call back. I also scrap metal, for the extra income. Matter of fact, I've been doing that for a while. For some reason, I find it fun to go out and collect other peoples trash and make money off of it. You might think of scrappers as guys driving around in old beat-up trucks picking through trash, I'm a little different. I like to post ads on Craigslist, and try and get word of mouth out there for myself, just for scrapping. Scrapping is a good way to make extra cash. You literally can find it anywhere. Although you don't get a whole lot for one particular item, it adds up. And it adds up fast!
On a other note, I have a really good feeling about this trip. Or at least being in Laguna Beach right now. Wisconsin is under a windchill advisory right now. And we have been for the past 3-4 days. The real feel is at -24 degrees, Fahrenheit. So maybe that's what's making 70 degree Laguna Beach seem so nice right now.  Like almost everyone else living in this kind of weather, I would love to get out of here right now. But for me its not really the weather that's the driving motive for this trip. It's more so to see the beach and travel a few hundred miles up the Pacific Coast and check out all the surfing spots I've seen in videos and in magazines for the past year. And if this trip does follow through, I'm sure it is packed of surprises that will last me a lifetime. I think it would be ever so cool to do this and meet a lot of different people along the way, especially the chicks ;).
As to I have a lot of research and a lot of work to do to earn money, I'm checking out. Stay tuned for the next blog!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

About me

Hi, and thanks for checking this blog out. I’d like to introduce myself right away. Let’s start with the basics, my name is Tom, I’m 19 and from southeastern Wisconsin. My purpose of starting this blog is because I would like to go on a road trip to Laguna Beach, California, with my lifelong friend, Mike. I think this is going to be a life changing experience for the both of us, particularly because were young. And that right now, I've been out of a job for a little over a month and had no money. I just started working for a guy that owns a shop next to my dad. Matter of fact my dad bought the few acres that he owned, thus resulting in me working for him. I’m just cleaning up stuff and which should last well into May, when the move in day is. I’m making good money now, enough to save up for a reasonable car and maybe some equipment. Right now, I’m driving a “family” car. My mom got it because when I had a job, I didn't know how to put that money away. And after totaling one SUV and owning a junk first car, I finally learned to take care of a vehicle. After working this job, I plan on transitioning over to working for my dad, with moving stuff over, etc. 

The reason, I would like to go to California, is because I really think this would be life changing for me. We plan on tent camping (I know,) but it would be one hell of an adventure. Every year my dad and I go to Daytona Beach for kart week at the speedway. And just recently going down there I think I found myself. We always boogie board while were down there and I get Surfer and Surfing magazines due to my general interest in it. I brought about 15 of them for the way down there, reading every single issue back to back. While out there, in the ocean, I felt like I could be myself. Kind of express the way I do stuff on it. And I think by going to California will give me an opportunity to try and actually surf, and deepen my knowledge about the awesome lifestyle portrayed by some of the stories in my magazines. Our plan of action is this, when it comes time for the road trip: travel down to Springfield, Illinois, and take Route 66 the whole way there. But since I really have no money right now, I’m going to have to work my butt off for the next few months to save for this. 

Then after getting into California, we’ll travel north on the Pacific coast highway. After a few days of that, we’ll start heading home traveling through Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon and Rockies, etc. As well as paying for all the camping stuff, which will probably be bought through Craigslist and eBay at a cheap price, I would like to get a GoPro Hero 3, DSLR camera, and a laptop. Documenting this trip is a necessity. But I think I personally should put all of my attention at getting a car to myself right now, before anything else, because with the way my mom is, she won’t let me take the family car. For the meantime, I’m currently doing all the research I can do about road tripping. And I plan on blogging every step of this mighty journey of mine. And I consider this the stepping stone in what is bound to be a great trip.   If you have ANY tips, I would appreciate that you come in contact with me! You can email me at, and I also ask you leave something related to this in the subject line, or just fill out the form below.  

Check out updated about me page, if you would like to know more about me!

Thank you for reading this! I truly do appreciate it! 
Regards, Tom