Monday, January 19, 2015

Surfing doesn't really come into mind when you think of Wisconsin.

Why should it? Not only is Wisconsin cold like other states in the mid-west, but there really isn't anywhere to surf in Wisconsin. But there's Lake Michigan. That's right,  you can actually surf on Lake Michigan. It's been done and not that many people know that you can surf on Lake Michigan. You can do it. If your up to face the cold and extreme conditions of it.

There's this town about 90 miles north-east of where I live that's known as the Malibu of the Midwest. This town is called Sheboygan. I've only been up there a few times. I love it up there. Such a cool area!
I took this on my iPhone 5c while at the beach in Sheboygan,Wisconsin

Known as Wisconsin's only surf shop, EOS Surf shop is a great one. Every time I get the chance to go to Sheboygan, stopping there is a MUST. And since I drive through Downtown Milwaukee, I try and stop at the historic 3rd ward. There's a lot of history to be learned there! I suggest that if you're in Milwaukee for whatever reason, try and stop at the 3rd ward and just walk around.  If you would like to know a little bit more about the 3rd ward, give this website a visit:

When I went to Sheboygan, there were some guys on Stand Up Paddleboards (SUP for short.) I spent a little while watching them. It looked cool as all hell! The beach really reminded me of Daytona. Although there are some big differences between the two locations, such as temperature and Lake Michigan, there quite similar. But other than that, the waves seemed just as big as ones in the Atlantic, if not bigger. At least compared to Daytona, during this time of year.

I took this one on my iPhone as well at Sheboygan. I used the app Over to add the text to it!

One thing I've noticed about the Shores at Bradford Beach (in Milwaukee,) and in Sheboygan, is that people like to litter. People seem to be obsessed with it actually. When you think about it, it's actually quite sad. Not only doe's litter cost money in clean up, it's a major threat to wildlife. And there's an estimate of about 7 billion tons of it in the ocean right now. But I could just keep listing facts about this. Instead, I encourage next time you go to the beach, pick up some trash and recycle what you can and throw out the rest. I also suggest you visit to learn more about campaigns, etc.

Until next time.

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