Monday, January 12, 2015

My Plans for This Blog

Okay. This is my second blog post of what I like to consider a chapter in The Road Trip to Cali. If your not sure about that, read my first post, which can be found here:
Here's my goal for this blog:
I plan on dividing it up into chapters. Each chapter being a milestone, or whatever I feel would be comfortable.As to this would be a pretty big event for anyone that would plan on taking a round trip over 4500 miles, I thought it would be neat to document my adventure from where I am (broke, and have a phone bill to pay as well as a credit card bill of $300 and 2 speeding tickets to pay off) to the end result, traveling to California.
I plan on posting weekly blogs. I'm not too sure on exactly what day.
If you read my previous blog, you would know that I've been working for this one guy. Well, he hasn't been showing up at the set time for the past two days. He's older, had several surgeries, I understand why he wouldn't show. But I need a consistent job in my situation. And that just isn't really cutting it for me. So today, I've applied at two different places. Hopefully I'll get a call back. I also scrap metal, for the extra income. Matter of fact, I've been doing that for a while. For some reason, I find it fun to go out and collect other peoples trash and make money off of it. You might think of scrappers as guys driving around in old beat-up trucks picking through trash, I'm a little different. I like to post ads on Craigslist, and try and get word of mouth out there for myself, just for scrapping. Scrapping is a good way to make extra cash. You literally can find it anywhere. Although you don't get a whole lot for one particular item, it adds up. And it adds up fast!
On a other note, I have a really good feeling about this trip. Or at least being in Laguna Beach right now. Wisconsin is under a windchill advisory right now. And we have been for the past 3-4 days. The real feel is at -24 degrees, Fahrenheit. So maybe that's what's making 70 degree Laguna Beach seem so nice right now.  Like almost everyone else living in this kind of weather, I would love to get out of here right now. But for me its not really the weather that's the driving motive for this trip. It's more so to see the beach and travel a few hundred miles up the Pacific Coast and check out all the surfing spots I've seen in videos and in magazines for the past year. And if this trip does follow through, I'm sure it is packed of surprises that will last me a lifetime. I think it would be ever so cool to do this and meet a lot of different people along the way, especially the chicks ;).
As to I have a lot of research and a lot of work to do to earn money, I'm checking out. Stay tuned for the next blog!

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