About me

If you're just reading this blog, this is the place to start. I know I have a post on my main page, but I think I should go into more detail, about myself in this part.

My name is Tom. And I am 19 years young. I did 1 semester of college at a local community college, studying the gen ed's for marketing. I didn't know what I was doing at the time and took 15 credit/hours and working at a local fast food joint for a total of 20-30 hours a week. It was a lot at the time. And I don't have the best study habits, so I didn't really do so hot when finals came around. But right now, I'm just taking a break from school. Also, I recently got canned from the local fast food place for arriving 15 minutes late, and I didn't shave. Honestly, I know I didn't shave, but it was borderline acceptable. It was my second offense being late as well. Kind of stupid that they let me go, but oh well.

As to blogging, this would be my first actual blog that I plan on actively posting to for a while. Hopefully I can develop it into a full on travel blog, but for right now this is going to be a standard list blog. I'm planning on posting the steps I will be taking to achieve my traveling goal, which is taking a long road trip to California. And instead of stopping at hotels, I plan on tent camping.
I got this screenshot using Evernotes web clipper, and the definition from http://www.problogger.net/archives/2011/09/03/52-types-of-blog-posts-that-are-proven-to-work/

Currently, I'm working for this guy that sold his shop to my dad. My dad owns his own company, repairing forklifts and other trucks that you'd see on Bob The Builder. But he hasn't really showed up at his shop the past few days, so I have a few applications to drop off at local businesses. It sucks because he paid good money, ($10/hr, cash!) But hopefully I can still work for him, more so part time. He's a structural engineer. So the guy is incredibly smart with that kind of stuff. But before the fast food place, where I worked for a little over a year, I worked for a local greenhouse for a season. I loved it. Call it weird that a guy liked working in a greenhouse, but I actually liked working there. The owner was really nice and funny. The older ladies, I worked with, were amazing. They were all different. All in the good way too.

And on top of that, I worked for a local truck farmer for four seasons, sadly ending this year because he decided he was done with farming. That was during the summer months. I learned a lot about working then. Working from 5:45 am, until about 9:00 am. Not really long hours, but he expected us to be at the farm every single morning for the season. I remember once we worked through a tornado. Kid you not. It was raining really heavily and when I got to the barn where we got our rain gear on, which we wore every morning because of the dew, my good friend and I just looked at each other and shook our heads thinking this is nuts. It was just as bad when we got to the fields where the farmer had all the produce planted. The clouds were pitch black. It was down pouring. I looked up and saw the tornado forming and quickly got my friends attention and pointed up at the sky. We all just stopped and watched it go the opposite direction where we were working. And the farmer, Keith, at the time didn't care. He just said "Back to work." And gave the tractor gas. Just like that we were back picking. It was also raining so bad that in the countless rows of corn we were picking in, it was like a river of rainwater flowing. Each of the 4-5 guys Keith had working for him at the time had about ten pounds of mud on each rain boot. Although that's just one story working for the legendary Keith, I've got plenty more.

Ok, enough on my job history. I come from a big family. A family of nine, and yes they all came from the same parents. There all blood related. Love being from a large family. I am the 2nd youngest in my family. I have one younger sister. And 6 older brothers and just an older sister. Most of my brothers are married and have young ones. I'll be sure to put some pictures in future blogs! But here's one of my nieces, she's adorable!

But I come from a racing family. My dad got most of my brothers into go karting, and as well as me. I remember as a kid growing up always going to a local sprint track and watch my older sister go kart as well with an uncle, and my Dad. But we've moved onto road courses. My first race was at Daytona International Speedway. Yes, the track that the Daytona 500 is hosted on. We race the Rolex 24-hour track, minus the chicane on the backstretch. But we've moved onto midgets this past year. Midgets are those non-winged dirt cars you see racing on, well, dirt tracks. 

But I'm all done with racing. Which kind of brings me to the creation of this whole blog. While in Flordia for karting this year, we usually always go body boarding. While interested in the whole sport of surfing, I started reading Surfer and Surfing magazines. I brought down about 15 of them (I hoard them!) And loved reading through them all. But, while down in Flordia this year, I think I figured out who I really am. At least I hope so. Although riding a body board to shore and doing some simple tricks on it isn't really surfing, it led me to wanting to take a road trip from Southeastern Wisconsin to California. I would love to visit all the spots shown in my magazines and online that are in California. Tho I have a lot of obstacles that lie ahead of me, I believe that if I overcome them and take this trip, it will hopefully shape me as a person. I figured I'd give surfing a try. Like legit, I go and rent a board and get a few lessons out in the ocean on a normal surfboard, other than a body board. Maybe I'll just get one and surf Lake Michigan. I only live half an hour away from Milwaukee, and about an hour and a half away from Sheboygan, where Wisconsin's only surf shop is.

 But who knows, I may never come home after this trip.

Only time will tell if that will happen or not. And to know if it doe's, there's only one way of finding out, following this blog and hopefully both me as the writer and you as the reader can share some tips and information that otherwise we would of never of known.

Who knows where this will lead me!

Till next time my friends!

Plus check out my eBay store and buy something you may want! It goe's to a really good cause!

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